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Guatemala Coffee

Coffee enthusiasts around the world have come to recognize Guatemala as a top producer of high-quality specialty coffee. The country's unique geography, rich volcanic soil, and ideal climate contribute to the cultivation of exceptional coffee beans. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Guatemalan coffee, exploring its history, growing regions, flavor profile, brewing methods, and more.

Introduction to Guatemala Coffee

Nestled in Central America, Guatemala boasts a rich coffee heritage dating back centuries. The volcanic mountains that stretch across the country create diverse microclimates, each contributing its own distinct flavor characteristics to the coffee beans grown there. From the slopes of Antigua to the high-altitude regions of Huehuetenango, Guatemalan coffee has gained a reputation for its exceptional quality and flavor.

History of Coffee in Guatemala

Coffee production in Guatemala began in the mid-18th century when the Bourbon variety of coffee was first introduced. Since then, coffee has played a significant role in Guatemala's economy and cultural identity. The country has experienced both prosperous and challenging periods in its coffee history, with fluctuations in international coffee prices and political unrest affecting the industry.

Coffee Growing Regions in Guatemala

Guatemala is divided into several distinct coffee-growing regions, each offering unique terroir and flavor profiles. Let's explore some of the prominent regions:


Located in the central highlands, the Antigua region is renowned for its volcanic soil, which lends a rich and chocolaty flavor to Guatemala coffee. The area's well-defined seasons, high altitude, and shade from surrounding volcanoes create an ideal environment for coffee cultivation.


In the remote northwest of Guatemala lies Huehuetenango, a region known for its high-altitude coffee farms. The cooler temperatures and dry winds from Mexico's Tehuantepec plain contribute to the region's distinct coffee flavors, often characterized by bright acidity and fruity notes.


Nestled in the lush rainforests of Guatemala's northern region, Coban offers a unique microclimate for coffee cultivation. The area's cooler temperatures, ample rainfall, and cloud cover result in a coffee with delicate acidity, floral aromas, and a smooth body.


Situated around the stunning Lake Atitlan, this region benefits from rich volcanic soil and the moderating effect of the lake. The coffee from Atitlan is known for its vibrant acidity, medium body, and complex flavor profile, often exhibiting notes of citrus and chocolate.

The Process of Growing and Harvesting Coffee in Guatemala

Growing and harvesting coffee in Guatemala involves several meticulous steps to ensure the


Roast: Medium

Tasting Profile: Dark chocolate, bright fruit, butterscotch.

Grower: Smallholder farmers from Antigua

Variety: Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, & Typica

Region: Antigua Guatemala

Altitude: 1200-1616 M

Soil Type: Volcanic Loam

Process: Fully washed and sun dried.

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At TAYKURY COFFEE we are amongst the best at using the finest specialty coffees, paying the utmost attention to roasting to get the most out of each one. We work artisanally, preserving all its qualities and respecting the entire process to be able to offer you coffees of genuine origin, organic coffees as well as blended coffees.